How to Install TVONE 1111 Addon on Kodi – Best Filipino Addon for Kodi

TVONE 1111 is the best Filipino add-on for Kodi. And it’s about time that it gets the recognition it deserves on the Kodi community....

AZ Screen Recorder For PC Windows 7, 8, 10 and Mac

Screen Record for PC is a very useful software that lets you record all the screen on your Windows(6.1, 7, 8, 8.1, 10) PC....

How to Install Made in Canada Kodi Live IPTV Addon

Chasing the latest and greatest Kodi addons can get a little confusing, especially if you have never used Kodi before. There are literally thousands...

Microsoft brings support for Google Assistant to the Xbox One

This week, Microsoft announced that it will be bringing Google Assistant support to the Xbox One with the upcoming update. Now, you can use...

Colorfy App for PC Windows 10, 8, 7 and Mac

Colorfy is an easy to use but powerful app that adds a wide assortment of colors to your photos instantly! All you need to...

How To Install HEVC Video Club On Kodi

How to Install HEVC Video Club On Kodi is an article that you can find on the internet. People have been requesting this for...

Protect Important Files – Secure Access to Secure Locations

Security is a fact of life. Stuff happens. Personal, professional and government-related information is stolen. Passwords are forgotten. Files are copied. Hackers steal millions...

VPN Easy For PC Windows 10, 8, 7 And Mac

PC VPN Easy is a professional VPN for windows, mac, and android to unblock websites and surf anonymously. Fast and lightweight VPN software, easy...

Download Adobe Capture For PC Windows 10, 8, 7 and Mac

Download Adobe Capture For PC Windows 10, 8, 7 and Mac. (The latest versions of Adobe Capture are available for download here.) If you are...

Guardzilla App For PC Windows 7 , 8 , 10 and Mac

Today I will introduce you Guardzilla app for PC, Windows 7 , 8 ,10, and Mac. Guardzilla is a great app to help you...