Owning a cat is a huge responsibility no matter which animal you have. It is definitely not for everyone especially people who appreciate peace, quite, and being alone. On the other hand, if you love animals and have some spare love to give, adopting a furry friend is the best thing you can do. They will be eternally grateful to you and love you unconditionally forever.
With that being said, not all pets are the same and size matters a lot. Some pets are low maintenance while others require a lot of work, dedication, and sacrifice. For people who live in houses with open spaces and huge gardens, it is somewhat easier. But what about those who live in apartments and have limited space? Large dogs are out of the question for sure, but large cats, not so much. In this article we talk about living in an apartment with a large cat, what it means, as well as share some useful tips.
About Large Cats
Cats are quite active as animals and their active hours are seemingly random. While kittens are curious and constantly exploring every little nook and cranny of the apartment, older cats will prefer napping, slower movements, and just strolling around. Adolescent cats love to ponce around and practice their jumps and movements they would use in the wild. Their instincts simply kick in and it is normal for them.
So why does age matter? Well, large cats will be truly large when they are adolescents, and even larger as fully grown. It can be difficult to have something jumping up and down, speeding around you, and even sleeping. Going to the toilet is a whole other issue.
Consider the following tips if you decide to have a large cat in your apartment.
1. Frequent Cleaning

When you have a cat in your apartment, you have to clean more often than without it. Hairs, odor, scattered litter sand and food bits, you simply must scoop it up and keep things fresh. The food bowl and the litter bean, as well as the surrounding areas, have to be cleaned multiple times a day. A cat has no perception of mess. It licks itself to clean its fur and paws but it will care little for the apartment. It will be up to you to make your joint home clean. In a way, cats make people more responsible.
2. Large Litter Box

Speaking of litter bins and sand, you will need a large enough litter box if you plan to share your home with a bigger feline species. There are countless models out there but size is what matters most since the cat’s “business” will also be larger. Make sure to get an extra large litter box and you will be fine. Pay attention to the size charts and get a product that will fit your large vat perfectly. Apart from the right litter box, you will also need litter sand appropriate for larger cats. Yes, that exists too.
3. Storage with Doors and Drawers

Believe us, you will quickly become a tidier and more organized person when you get a large cat. Since they are so curious and like to inspect every single thing you have, ornaments, vases, and anything that is lying around will get knocked over. You will need to keep things in storage units with doors and/or drawers so that your pet cannot get it and wreak havoc. You will grow to appreciate this change as well since having too many things exposed makes it difficult to clean the apartment when vacuuming and dusting.
4. Keep It Company

Us humans are busy and we are sometimes not the greatest owners, at least by our pets’ estimations. If it were up to them, we would be spending 24 hours a day in their company. Sadly, that is not possible as we have to go to school, go to work, and do our chores and hobbies. This leaves periods when your large cat will be alone in the apartment. It will get used to it, but a pro tip is to try to limit the time away from home if you can. Do not leave them alone for extend periods of time if you do not have to for the first few months.
5. Keep It Entertained

A bored cat is a naughty cat. Attention is enough, but there are different types of attention. Cuddling and petting it is crucial to develop the bond, but doing some light exercise and stimulating its predatory instincts also needs to be a daily routine. Toys and various household trinkets, bits, and bobs will do the trick. Laser pointers, sticks, and anything that is soft or scratchy will do just fine. Keep the cat entertained to prevent scratched furniture and increased nighttime activity. At the end of the day, it will be ready for a long sleep, exactly when you plan to call it a day.
6. Balconies are No-No Zones

Although cats are agile and seemingly invincible when heights are concerned, they can seriously hurt themselves if they slip or fall from a high enough height. Balconies should not pose dangers to mature cats, but while your large feline is still growing, make sure to secure it and make it known that it should not spend too much time out there alone. It is fine if you are close by, but make sure to secure the balcony and make it off limits when you are not at home. There is a chance it will run away in some scenarios if the balcony allows it, or it may jump over to the neighbor who could mistreat it.
Conclusion and Takeaways
Adopting a large cat and caring for it will be challenging at first especially if it is your first time owning a pet. However, after a few months you will get the hang of things and develop a routine together. All that remains then is to love each other, make memories, and snap cute photos to send to friends and family. Large cats are fun because you often forget they are cats in the first place. Use our tips and you will surely make things a lot easier!